
Defects within mRNAs or nascent chains that halt ribosomal progression can trigger ribosomeassociated quality control (RQC) pathways that facilitate mRNA and nascent polypeptide destruction as well as ribosome recycling. Failure to remove defective mRNAs or nascent chains can lead to the accumulation of cytotoxic protein aggregates and proteotoxic stress. We previously established that the E3 ligase ZNF598 catalyzes regulatory ribosomal ubiquitylation of specific 40S ribosomal proteins required for downstream RQC events. Utilizing an optical RQC reporter we identify OTUD3 and USP21 as deubiquitylating enzymes that antagonize ZNF598-mediated 40S ubiquitylation and facilitate ribosomal deubiquitylation following RQC activation. Overexpression of either USP21 or OTUD3 enhances readthrough of stall-inducing sequences as compared to knock-in cells lacking individual RRub sites suggesting that combinatorial ubiquitylation of RPS10 (eS10) and RPS20 (uS10) is required for optimal resolution of RQC events and that deubiquitylating enzymes can limit RQC activation.

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