
Abstract — This paper focuses on the use of wikis to enhance group work and collaboration in a financial accounting class. The wiki provided a platform where students could introduce themselves, discuss the task, present and discuss the findings of their research and work on a draft and compose the final answer. Students were at first hesitant to work in groups with students they did not know, on a medium they were not familiar with. After this initial reluctance, and with some encouragement, students completed the task. In addition they completed a reflective survey designed to gather their thoughts about group work and wikis. In general students felt that they gained valuable knowledge and increased their communication, collaboration and computing skills; essential skills for an accounting graduate. Keywords-Wiki, Web 2.0, Collaborative Learning, Technology, Education, Graduate Attributes, Action Research question 1. I NTRODUCTION Web 2.0 technologies have opened the door to new and innovative teaching methods [1-4]. We have seen the use of Facebook in the teaching of architecture [5]; the use of Wimba to provide feedback in a multicultural teaching environment [6]; and wikis in teaching physical education [7], nursing [8,9], languages [10], and information systems [11]. This paper documents the use of action research to introduce the use of wikis to provide an interesting learning experience at the same time as enhancing university graduate attributes. The author drew on ideas gained from teaching in an undergraduate first year information systems course to introduce a new assessment piece into a postgraduate intermediate level financial accounting course. A wiki was used for student groups to meet, discuss the issues, draft and finalise a presentation of information. The motivation behind the project, the task, obstacles encountered, and advantages of using a wiki for this purpose are presented in this paper. Student comments and staff observations about the usefulness of the wiki in the teaching and work environment are given. Academics of all disciplines may find the experiences documented here useful when creating assessments designed to capture learning outcomes centred on teamwork, communication, problem solving, technology use, and technical knowledge. 2. A

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