
BRIEF SESSION DESCRIPTION:Online learning has the potential to allow people of any age and any location to develop knowledge and skills that improve their own lives and that support them to make important contributions to society. A‚ We seek to share some lessons learned on our journey to create and implement an online learning community grounded in critical pedagogy and multicultural education. Participants in this session who might find themselves moving into online teaching will gain insights from our experiences that help shape their work regardless of their discipline.A‚ This session will discuss how VoiceThread can be used to engage students in online environments.A‚ ________________________________________________________________FULL ABSTRACT: As Howard Zinn (2002) reminds us, A¢â‚¬A“You canA¢â‚¬â„¢t be neutral on a moving train.A¢â‚¬Â Universities and K-12 schools are moving quickly to increased use of online learning instruction (Allen & Seaman, 2014; Picciano and Seaman, 2009). Online learning has the potential to allow people of any age and any location to develop knowledge and skills that improve their own lives and that support them to make important contributions to society. However, given that there is a paucity of rigorous research evidence that online learning leads to improved student outcomes (Figlio, Rush, Yin, 2010; Jaggars & Bailey 2010), expectations for increased efficiency and access and decreased cost (and in higher education increased revenue) are driving this rapidly moving online train. The need for critical pedagogy and multicultural education is more critical than ever in our increasingly pluralistic global society. Therefore, it is imperative that we explore and share ways to design vibrant online learning environments that adhere to the principles and practices of critical pedagogy and multicultural education. We seek to share some lessons learned on our journey to create and implement an online learning community grounded in critical pedagogy and multicultural education. Participants in this session who might find themselves moving into online teaching will gain insights from our experiences that help shape their work. For this session, we will demonstrate how VoiceThread can be used to engage students in online interactive and collaborative activities that support reflective practice and critical dialogue.

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