
AbstractTsetlin Machines (TM) use finite state machines for learning and propositional logic to represent patterns. The resulting pattern recognition approach captures information in the form of conjunctive clauses, thus facilitating human interpretation. In this work, we propose a TM‐based approach to three common natural language processing (NLP) tasks, namely, sentiment analysis, semantic relation categorization and identifying entities in multi‐turn dialogues. By performing frequent itemset mining on the TM‐produced patterns, we show that we can obtain a global and a local interpretation of the learning, one that mimics existing rule‐sets or lexicons. Further, we also establish that our TM based approach does not compromise on accuracy in the quest for interpretability, via comparison with some widely used machine learning techniques. Finally, we introduce the idea of a relational TM, which uses a logic‐based framework to further extend the interpretability.

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