
Tree cores and bark were sampled from jack pine trees at 18 sites in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) of Alberta, Canada, to investigate spatial and temporal trends of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). Spatial trends were investigated in the bark samples, where ΣPAC concentrations ranged from 75 to 3615 ng/g. Highest concentrations were observed from trees within 40 km of the nearest mining or upgrading facility perimeter fence, in line with previous deposition studies in the AOSR. The sampled tree cores were separated into segments representing 5 years of growth/atmospheric collection by counting tree rings. A significant increase in PAC concentrations over the lifetime of the tree was observed at sites with the highest PAC concentrations, and the average % increase in concentration from 1970 to 2015 was in line with average % growth in bitumen extraction in the AOSR. Finally, the concentrations in the tree core segments representing collection from 2010 to 2015 were converted into an atmospheric PAC concentration using previously published wood-air partition coefficients. The calculated atmospheric concentrations were within the same range as concentrations reported from the passive atmospheric sampling network in this region. The importance of site location is highlighted, with forest edge sites providing an improved comparison for atmospheric exposure and deposition. This is the first study to use tree cores to calculate an atmospheric concentration of PACs, demonstrating the applicability of this methodology for providing historic atmospheric data.

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