
This paper examines the place of theory in qualitative medical research. While theory’s place in research planning and data analysis has been well-established, the contribution of theory during qualitative data collection tends to be overlooked. Yet, data collection is not an asocial or apolitical process and requires reflection and analysis in and of itself. Therefore, drawing on an exemplar case study research project which focused on patients’ use of medicines, the paper argues that engaging with theory to think reflexively, throughout a project but particularly during the process of data collection can ensure the rigour and trustworthiness of qualitative data. In this case study, we draw on sociologist Erving Goffman’s theoretical framework of the dramaturgical metaphor to address the multiplicity of roles that healthcare practitioners undertaking qualitative research have to occupy and navigate. Rather than painting researchers out of their research through a naïve search for ‘objectivity’, reflexivity that is scaffolded by theory, offers a way through which researchers’ biases and subjectivities can be made explicit and their data analysis transparent. In making this argument, we encourage medical researchers to engage with, and be attuned to, theoretical perspectives outwith their own discipline.


  • This paper examines the place of theory in qualitative medical research

  • In the case study research, it was through the use of a specific theory that informed the process of reflexivity that we identified the issue of identity duality as one with potential impacts on data quality

  • We have outlined the place of theory in qualitative research planning, data analysis, and data collection

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Durham Research Online

Citation for published item: Jamie, K. and Rathbone, A. P. (2021) 'Using theory and reexivity to preserve methodological rigour of data collection in qualitative research.', Research Methods in Medicine Health Sciences. Publisher's copyright statement: Jamie, K. and Rathbone, A. P., Using theory and reexivity to preserve methodological rigour of data collection in qualitative research, Research Methods in Medicine Health Sciences, Copyright c 2021 (The Authors). The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:. The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full DRO policy for further details

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