
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. The most important socio-economic task in the current period is to transfer Ukraine's economy to an intensive way of development in order to improve the level and quality of life of the population and solve the full range of social problems. Implementation of such a policy dictates the need to solve problems of reconstruction and modernization of buildings and structures, primarily related to the public sphere (including higher education institutions), in order to eliminate the existing inconsistency of the technical condition and functional and consumer qualities of public buildings to current standards and consumer requirements. Therefore, one of the most urgent directions of development of higher educational institutions is the task of providing effective overhaul and reconstruction of buildings, increasing their energy efficiency.METHODS. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the fundamental and applied developments of leading domestic and foreign scientists in the theory and practice of management of energy modernization and energy reconstruction of buildings, increasing energy efficiency of buildings. The factual basis of research were the legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of energy efficiency, normative and methodical documents on the modernization and reconstruction of buildings, Directive 2010/31/EC in the field of energy saving. When solving specific tasks the methods of system and comparative analysis, economic-mathematical methods of efficiency evaluation of energy reconstruction and energy modernization projects were used.FINDINGS. The method of calculation of the reduced resistance to heat transfer of the enclosing structures and the shell of the 4th building of Kyiv National University of Technology and Design as a whole taking into account the temperature and humidity conditions in the fencing marginal zones. It is shown that in the enclosure edge zones the heat protective properties decrease resulting in a deterioration of the heat protection of the whole building. Practical recommendations for the design of fencing structures of modern buildings taking into account the temperature-moisture regime are proposed.CONCLUSION. For the analysis of complex processes of moisture transfer in enclosures, a mathematical model based on the moisture potential is most convenient. A certain difference from the thermal potential (temperature) to the definition of the moisture potential allows to diagnose the most general assessment of the moisture regime of exterior and interior fences on the basis of HUB knowledge on energy efficiency. At use of this model it is possible to consider process of moisture exchange in a wide range of humidity and temperature taking into account movement of a moisture as a basis of carrying out energy reconstruction and energy modernization of operating buildings of the university.

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