
The environmental problems are considered as a serious threat to the future of humanity. The adoption ofsustainable behaviors is considered a necessary step to deal with the environmental challenges. Energy conservationbehavior is an environment friendly behavior that has been promoted in many societies. Researchers have been studyingthe determinants of energy conservation behavior for many years, in western countries. However, energy conservationbehavior of individuals in the house has not received attention of researchers in Pakistan. In this study, theory of plannedbehavior and norm activation model are used to study energy conservation behavior of 1250 college and universitystudents in Karachi. Our results show that attitudes, subjective norms, awareness of consequences, ascription ofresponsibility and personal norm, all have a positive relation with energy conservation behavior. Socio-demographicvariables had no statistically significant relation with energy conservation. It is believed that electronic and social mediaand religious scholars can play a key role in raising awareness of environmental issues and encouraging the adoption ofenvironment friendly behaviors in Pakistan.

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