
Abstract: The writing of this article is based on the experience of the author/researcher as a lecturer withtheaimofknowingtheresultsofusingtheQuizizzapplicationintheVocabularyBuildingcourse for English Literature students at Al-Ghifari University. Students make quizzes based on Vocabulary Building course materials. The quiz that has been created is then uploaded to the Quizizz page/application.Then,studentswillgetalinktotakethequiz.Thequizlinkissharedwithallstudents intheVocabularyBuildingonlineclass.StudentswhoattendonlineclassesintheVocabularyBuilding coursearerequiredtoparticipateinthequiz.Aftertakingthequiz,ananalysiswasconductedregarding the activities that had been carried out. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. The data obtained for this research is through participant observation and interviews. Based on the results of observations and interviews, various responses were revealed when using the Quizziz application which could be obstacles andsolutions.Keywords: Quizzes, Quizizz application, Vocabulary Building course

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