
MODIS has 20 reflective solar bands (RSB) in the visible (VIS), near infrared (NIR), and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral regions. In addition to instrument on-board calibrators (OBC), lunar observations have been used by both Terra and Aqua MODIS to track their reflective solar bands (RSB) on-orbit calibration stability. On a near monthly basis, lunar observations are scheduled and implemented for each instrument at nearly the same lunar phase angles. A time series of normalized detector responses to the Moon is used to monitor its on-orbit calibration stability. The normalization is applied to correct the differences of lunar viewing geometries and the Sun-Moon-Sensor distances among different lunar observations. Initially, the lunar calibration stability monitoring was only applied to MODIS bands (1-4 and 8-12) that do not saturate while viewing the Moon. As the mission continued, we extended the lunar calibration stability monitoring to other RSB bands (bands 13-16) that contain saturated pixels. For these bands, the calibration stability is monitored by referencing their non-saturated pixels to the matched pixels in a non-saturation band. In this paper, we describe this relative approach and apply it to MODIS regularly scheduled lunar observations. We present lunar trending results for both Terra and Aqua MODIS over their entire missions. Also discussed in the paper are the advantages and limitations of this approach and its potential applications to other earth-observing sensors.

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