
ABSTRACT The ‘four voices of theology’ were developed as part of the Theological Action Research (TAR) approach (Cameron et al. 2010). Since publication, some practical theologians used the four voices outside of the TAR approach for data analysis or theological reflection. The voices are also taught outside of the TAR approach in theological education alongside other theological reflection models. This article discusses the different uses of the four voices in writing by some of the original authors and by other researchers who have used four voices outside of the TAR approach. Giving examples from my own practice in theological education in a reflective group made up of Church of England ordinands, I discuss three recommendations and two benefits of such an approach for group theological reflection. The recommendations are, first, to treat the voices as the mechanics of the method, not the structure; second, to reflect on a shared experience; third, to attend to the learning. The two benefits concern the threshold concept of complexity in theological education and the highlighting of aspects of theology that might otherwise be missed in other models.

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