
The existing methodologies to measure management effectiveness of protected area have often been focus on identifying weaknesses and strengths to set priorities in terms of policy intervention, resource distribution and adaptive management. It is not adequately captured the extent of protected area sustainability as a conservation site even though management effectiveness is influenced by the interaction of environment, socioeconomics and governance, which are pillars of sustainability. Thus, the objective of this study was to propose a methodology based on sustainability pillar indicators to evaluate management effectiveness, using three protected areas in Peninsular Malaysia as case studies: Sungai Dusun, Bukit Kutu and Klang Gate wildlife reserves. In this study, a questionnaire survey was used to evaluate the management effectiveness of the study sites. The evaluation framework of the questionnaire was based on six components of management effectiveness and indicators from three sustainability pillars or aspects: environment, socioeconomics and governance. Respondents of the survey consisted of local residents in each study site and management staff involved in the management of the protected areas. Each indicator from different aspects of evaluation was assigned a selected parameter to be rated by the respondents from ‘1’ (strongly disagree) to ‘5’ (strongly agree). Based on the rating values the percentage of optimum value was calculated to determine the overall management rating for each study site which interpreted according to five management levels from ‘unsatisfactory’ to ‘very satisfactory’. The percentage of optimum values revealed that the environment and governance aspects of all study sites had moderately satisfactory while for socioeconomic only Klang Gate had moderately satisfactory but satisfactory for Bukit Kutu and Sungai Dusun. The overall percentage of optimum revealed that the management effectiveness level of all reserves was moderately satisfactory. However, Sungai Dusun had the highest percentage of optimum (71.3%), followed by Bukit Kutu (67.7%) and Klang Gate (66.5%). In conclusion, the sustainability level of the reserves is still functioning as intended despite deficiencies especially in governance aspect. Thus, the proposed methodology is simple and has adoptable way to measure both management effectiveness and capture the sustainability of the protected areas.

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