
This paper examines the idea of using advertising to facilitate difficult conversations about diversity, politics, race and gender in the classroom. In our current tense political climate, I explore how cultural competence can be developed in the classroom by introducing topics related to diversity through the viewing of Super Bowl 2017 commercials. This paper discusses the cultural competence model and the spiral of silence theory in the classroom and presents a case study developed in the Spring 2017 semester. The goal was to promote fruitful conversations about difficult topics, and the Super Bowl commercials proved to be the ideal tool. The course utilized for this activity was an introductory course to Public Relations. The method of analysis was an adaptation of Arthur Asa Berger's model of semiotic analysis of ads. The conversations revolved around three main issues: diversity, immigration and gender roles. The teaching experience fostered a healthy discussion and eased the initial reticence to engage in such difficult topics.

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