
Learning Arabic is one of the foreign subjects that is less attractive to students in Indonesia. This is due to the complexity of the material being studied by students and coupled with the way the teacher conveys his learning. In this research, the solution will be suggested for learning Arabic writing skills by using Strip Story media. The purpose of learning Arabic with Strip Story media is to facilitate fun and exhilarating learning services. The design of this research is a One-Group Design by Post-test and Pre-Test. The selection of population in this study were all the students of class VII MTs with a total of 121 students. In this research class VII A will be used as a research sample with a total of 30 students or 25% of the total population. To find out the effectiveness of Story Strip media in learning Arabic writing skills can be seen from the students' scores on the pre and post-tests given. The students' pre-test results were 5,26 and the students' post-test results or test scores after using Strip Story media in teaching writing skills were 7,73. Thus it can be stated that students' scores in Arabic writing skills after using Strip Story media increased by 20%. So it can be concluded that the use of Strip Story media in learning Arabic writing skills is effective and appropriate for use in the learning process.

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