
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is known as the common sexually transmitted disease and the cause of cervical cancer. The HPV test is being proposed as the primary screening tool for cervical cancer. This study aimed to identify barriers and facilitators of screening based on the social marketing model in designing interventions and planning to increase HPV screening. This qualitative directed content analysis was conducted between December 2020 to September 2021 to identify the key concepts of social marketing theory (i.e., the four P's: product, price, place, and promotion) in Mashhad, Iran. Semistructured interviews were fulfilled with 24 individuals (10 women with HPV and 14 key informants) after obtaining participants' consent, who were initially purposively sampled and snowball sampling was then used to facilitate further recruitment. Data analysis was carried out simultaneously with data collection. Following the code extraction, four main categories (themes) and 10 subcategories extracted. Subcategories included knowledge on screening, screening benefits, and motivational factors for screening (product), individual inhibitors, environmental inhibitors, and facility problems related to price, place of service delivery, and service delivery channels (place) and health promotion and education. Lack of knowledge about HPV and screening, negative attitudes toward sexually transmitted diseases, taboo about sexual issues in society, fear of the reaction of spouse and family members, lack of proper policies and information and communication challenges, high costs of screening, access barriers to facilities such as difficult transportation have been challenges of health systems. It is suggested that HPV screening as a standard method for detection of cervical cancer be considered and the barriers to access are removed.

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