
Semiotics in visual art communication takes the form of words, sound, scents, flavors, actions, situations, emotions. Through signs and symbols, visual artistscommunicate their message to their audience. This art based study explored theartists’ and viewers’ perspectives. The artists, on how they use signs and symbolsin mixed media artworks to communicate their message effectively. UsingJakobson’s (1960) theory of encoding, the artist as the addresser; the artist’sartworks with images/symbols the signifier and its concept as the message, and thedecoding by addressee as the viewer. Data were gathered through interviews witha selected male artist and selected audience to analyze the artist’s paintings, andinterpret meanings from what they see. The findings implied that the artist as authorcan effectively use his visual rhetoric through signifiers in his work withoutrelinquishing his creative ideas and expressions, engaging and empowering hisviewers to interpret his message accordingly.

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