
Clustering is a widely used knowledge discovery technique. It helps uncovering structures in data that were not previously known. The clustering of large data sets has received a lot of attention in recent years, however, clustering is a still a challenging task since many published algorithms fail to do well in scaling with the size of the data set and the number of dimensions that describe the points, or in finding arbitrary shapes of clusters, or dealing effectively with the presence of noise. In this paper, we present a new clustering algorithm, based in self-similarity properties of the data sets. Self-similarity is the property of being invariant with respect to the scale used to look at the data set. While fractals are self-similar at every scale used to look at them, many data sets exhibit self-similarity over a range of scales. Self-similarity can be measured using the fractal dimension. The new algorithm which we call Fractal Clustering (FC) places points incrementally in the cluster for which the change in the fractal dimension after adding the point is the least. This is a very natural way of clustering points, since points in the same cluster have a great degree of self-similarity among them (and much less self-similarity with respect to points in other clusters). FC requires one scan of the data, is suspendable at will, providing the best answer possible at that point, and is incremental. We show via experiments that FC effectively deals with large data sets, high-dimensionality and noise and is capable of recognizing clusters of arbitrary shape.

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