
Information and data on the complete innovation cycle and innovation ecosystem operations are difficult to come by. Traditionally, most of the data and information related to innovation is limited to the initial stages of the process, that is, research (basic or applied) and the development of prototypes and demos. Nevertheless, there are extensive databases relevant to research and innovation that are available primarily in Europe and the United States but also in other countries that enable worthwhile analyses of innovation in transportation and other fields. A concerted international cooperative effort is necessary towards harmonizing the contents and the methods of collecting the data for a universal innovation data base. We discuss in this chapter possible characteristics, contents, and key performance indicators of such universally harmonized innovation database. Hopefully, the depth of analysis and the quality of innovation data will continue to increase due in part to advances in cloud computing and data analytics as well as the discovery of advanced algorithms that are able to efficiently mine extensive amounts of patent data. The effective tracking of innovation data and increases in our understanding of data are critical to health and sustainability of innovation ecosystems.

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