
<p>目的:改善在職教育課程的辦理成效,期能強化部內藥事人員專業技能以提升病人的照護品質。</p> <p>方法:本專案結合Kern課程規劃循環(Kern curriculum cycle)與品管手法PDCA的概念,由課堂的課後資料與 問卷進行現況分析與學習者需求調查,找出「課程參與度與完成度低」之主要因,並擬定對策。課程參與度之目標設定為每堂課平均出席人數過半達64位,課程完成率達85%。(課程完成之定義為限期內完成課後評值且分數高於80分,以及滿意度填寫)</p> <p>結果:課程內容與品質改善後,平均出席人數由56位增加到65位,目標達成率112.5%;課程完成率由83.2%增加到87.3%,目標達成率227.8%。</p> <p>結論:藉由優化課程內容與品質,改善在職教育課程的辦理成效,進一步再將特定發展的課程主題以帶狀系列或社群模式進行,能提高同仁自主學習意願、促進自我成長,亦能強化同仁專業技能,進而提升病人照護品質,且有助於部門內人才師資培育兼顧員工職涯發展,並預做準備將全人照護概念向下扎根於藥學實習生。</p> <p> </p><p>Objective: To improve the effectiveness of on-the-job education programs for strengthening the professional skills of the pharmacists in our department and further enhance the quality of patient care.</p> <p>Methods: This project integrated the Kern curriculum cycle and the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) concept of quality control. We used post-class evaluations and questionnaires to do a situation analysis and survey learners’ needs to identify the main reasons for low course participation and completion and to develop countermeasures to these problems. The course participation targets were an average attendance of 64 pharmacists per class and a course completion rate of 85%. Course completion was defined as completing both the postcourse evaluation (80 points to pass) and the satisfaction questionnaires by the stipulated deadline.</p> <p>Results: After we improved the content and quality of the courses, the average attendance increased from 56 to 65, and the target achievement rate was 112.5%. In addition, the course completion rate increased from 83.2% to 87.3%, and the target achievement rate was 227.8%.</p> <p>Conclusion: By optimizing the content and quality of the courses, improving the effectiveness of the on-the-job education programs, and developing courses on specific topics within a series or community model, we cultivated independent learning and self-growth among our pharmacists, strengthened their professional skills, and improved the quality of patient care. Moreover, talents and teachers were fostered while taking into account the career development of our pharmacists, and preparations were made to root the concept of holistic care down in pharmacy interns.</p> <p> </p>

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