
An air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation (ACMV) construction project involved many interrelated construction activities with varying durations and multiple dependencies. This paper focuses on the development of a best possible project planning and scheduling technique that can help the project manager to manage and complete the ACMV project in optimal time. The program evaluation and review technique (PERT) is used in this research. The PERT technique helps to determine the probabilities of various stages of the project by specified deadlines and identify the activities on the critical path that have high potential for causing delays in the project completion time. The completion times of 72, 76, 79, and 80 weeks were taken for the PERT analysis. Deadline of 72 weeks is the contractual period of the ACMV project as specified in the contract. Completion time of 76 weeks is the critical path of the project as analyzed by the PERT technique. The deadline of 79 weeks is the proposed completion time for the ACMV project whereas 80 weeks are the actual completion date of the project. The PERT analysis revealed that the project completion time of 72 weeks, which is as stated in the contractual completion time, yielded the probability of completion of 2.67% only. This analysis shows that the contractual period is impossible to be achieved and it is an unrealistic time setting. Further negotiation is required including changing or extending of the contractual completion time. The other completion times are able to be achieved but the company may need to face the high penalty costs due to the delays in completion time.

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