
A circulating-flow piezoelectric biosensor, based on an Au nanoparticle amplification and verification method, was used for real-time detection of a foodborne pathogen, Escherichia coli O157:H7. A synthesized thiolated probe (Probe 1; 30-mer) specific to E. coli O157:H7 eaeA gene was immobilized onto the piezoelectric biosensor surface. Hybridization was induced by exposing the immobilized probe to the E. coli O157:H7 eaeA gene fragment (104-bp) amplified by PCR, resulting in a mass change and a consequent frequency shift of the piezoelectric biosensor. A second thiolated probe (Probe 2), complementary to the target sequence, was conjugated to the Au nanoparticles and used as a “mass enhancer” and “sequence verifier” to amplify the frequency change of the piezoelectric biosensor. The PCR products amplified from concentrations of 1.2 × 10 2 CFU/ml of E. coli O157:H7 were detectable by the piezoelectric biosensor. A linear correlation was found when the E. coli O157:H7 detected from 10 2 to 10 6 CFU/ml. The piezoelectric biosensor was able to detect targets from real food samples.

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