
In this paper the research of logistics processes in the distributed manufacture of high-tech engineering products (aircraft construction, shipbuilding, etc.) is carried out. The architecture is systematically presented for creation of innovative engineering product, which is further used in the logistics of supply, production and sales of products. For the formation of the architecture of a complex product the component approach is used, which makes it possible to represent individual components of a product in the form of relatively isolated elements, which simplifies the design and production of complex technique. The topicality of this paper is associated with the research of logistics processes in creating a complex product based on component architecture. The purpose of the research is improving of the logistics processes efficiency in distributed manufacture based on the using of the component architecture of a high-tech product. The research is carried out in two stages. At the first stage the set of suppliers of products are formed taking into account the logistics costs associated with the production and delivery of components to an assembly type production system. At the second stage the choice of transport routes with possible transshipment of goods is carried out taking into account the dissimilar transport system (aviation, rail, road and other types of transport). Optimization is carried out for the rational choice of transport routes taking into account logistics costs, delivery time and risks. At the last stage of the research the model of dynamic processes of logistics of supplies into assembly production was created. Simulation of the movement of requests (cargo) in a dissimilar transport system is carried out, which is based on the wave-like movement of applications and allows minimizing the delivery time of components, costs and risks. Mathematical methods were used: system analysis to represent the structure of a complex product; component approach for the formation of multilevel product architecture; integer optimization of logistics costs; event-based and agent-based simulation to select rational routes for the supply of components. The proposed approach allows you to research systematically and optimize the logistics processes of distributed manufacture supplying based on the component architecture of a complex engineering product.

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