
Two field experiments were conducted at the experimental farm of Sakha Agricultur e R esearch Station, S akha, Kafr El -Sh eikh, Egypt during 2017 and 2018 seasons. The aim of th e current investigation was to study the effective of bio and organic fertilizer s in declining the mineral nitrogen fertilizer in rice fields ( Sakha 108 c v.) . The treatments were: T 1 : 165 kg N/ha as recommended nitrogen rate (R N), T 2 : ⅔ RN, T 3 : ⅔ R N + 5 t/ha poultry manure as organic fertilizer, T 4 : ⅔ RN + Anab aena or yza e (N – fixing anabaena) as bio -fertilizer , T 5 : ⅔ RN + organic manure + bio -fertilizer, T 6 : ⅓ R N, T 7 : ⅓ RN + organic manure , T 8 : ⅓ RN + bio -fertilizer and T 9 : ⅓ RN + org anic manure + bio -fertilizer. The obtained results revealed that the integration among mineral, organic and bio - fertilization of T 5 (110kg N/ha + 5 t/ha poultry manure + 600 g/ha N -fixing anab aena) gave the maximum values of tillers number m -2 , days to hea ding, dry matter accumulation, flag leaf chlorophyll content, flag leaf area, leaf area index, panicles number m -2 , panicle weight, 100- grain weight, grain yield, straw yield, milling percentage and grain protein content, as well as, the lowest number of u nfilled grains panicles -1 . However, the differences between T 5 and T 1 (165 kg N/ha as recommended mineral N level) in panicles number m -2 , number of unfilled grains per panicle, straw yield , milling percentage and grain protein content were insignificant. In addition, T 1 gave the tallest plants and the maximum values of number of filled grains per panicle and hulling percentage, but the differences with T 5 in number of filled grains panicle -1 and hulling percentage were insignificant. Number of branches pan icle -1 , panicle length, harvest index and head rice had insignificant response . It could sum up that adding ⅔ of the recommended mineral nitrogen plus of 5 t/ha of poultry manure plus 6 00 g/ha of N-fixing anab aena could be the recommended for reducing min eral nitrogen fertilizer and brining high grain yield of Sakha 108 rice variety.

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