
The electronic bulletin board, Nuestro BBS, is now accessible via BITNET. Remember, however, that if you do not have a BITNET account you can still access the BBS with your modem by direct phone line as before. Because BITNET is a service that is generally provided free to faculty at universities that participate in its network, there are no long distance phone charges to BITNET users wishing to access Nuestro BBS. You can send or receive files from the bulletin board with just a few common commands. The following instructions cover those commands for D.E.C. VAX minicomputers and IBM and IBM-compatible mainframe computers. If you are in doubt as to which set to use, simply consult the computer specialists on your campus. The easiest way to find out what files are available from Nuestro BBS is to send a one-line request for an index. On a VAX computer the appropriate command is as follows: SEND VMSSERV@UOFT02 On an IBM or compatible mainframe using the CMS operating system, you type: TELL VMSSERV@UOFT02 INDEX HISPANIST. VMSSERV is a software program, known as a file server, that was created to operate on the VAX 6220 at the University of Toledo, and UOFT02 identifies this particular computer within BITNET. All files are located in the directory called HISPANIST. It is similar in organization to the directories and subdirectories that you create on the floppies and hard disks of your PC's and to the folders on a Macintosh. The command, INDEX, retrieves a list of the files from Hispanist that can be automatically returned to you via BITNET. Once you have this list, you may then decide which files to request.

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