
Human-mediated dispersal is a major contributor of biological invasions. To reduce impacts induced by the introduction and spread of exotic species, biosecurity interventions are put into place. These interventions often rely on risk-assessment procedures, whereby biosecurity practitioners (which includes researchers, stakeholders such as national park managers, and all other decision makers who determine when and how to protect biodiversity) attempt to preemptively identify and predict which exotic species could potentially become a threat to natural ecosystems. In theory, extensive field and experimental studies would be required to accurately and precisely determine the risks of biological invasion of a species or group of species. However, due to a lack of resources or knowledge, such critical studies are limited. As a result, biosecurity practitioners rarely have a full picture of the extent to which the exotic species has and will spread at the time of decision making. Hence, they instead opt for preventive measures such as identifying and managing potential target exotic species which are likely to be invasive or dispersal pathways through which exotic species are likely to be introduced and spread. As most of the uncertainties pertaining to biosecurity interventions lie in the resolution of data made available to practitioners at the time of decision making, we first present some of the different types of information which are readily available during the risk-assessment procedure. We then highlight how one could exploit these different resolutions of data during the risk-assessment procedure using network analysis to better understand human-mediated dispersal of exotic species. By doing so, our paper puts forward what network analysis has to offer practitioners in the context of biosecurity interventions.

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