
To explore the use of national data sets on CD-ROM for teaching graduate nursing research. Secondary data analysis of national health data sets is economical and provides a useful experience for students learning research. The advantages and disadvantages of using national health data sets on CD-ROM are described. Students in three majors in nursing worked in groups to address research questions that could be answered using variables in the National Health Interview Survey. Several computer laboratory sessions were held to teach students how to extract the data and apply SPSS to analyze data. The pilot program was a success, but not without problems. Ten steps to ensure better attainment of objectives were formulated. National data sets on CD-ROM are an inexpensive, rich data source that allow flexibility for students and faculty. Secondary data analysis using national health data sets is an underused approach in nursing. Graduate students can have a significant research experience while curbing the costs-to organizations and themselves-associated with primary data collection.

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