
In this work, numerical modeling techniques were developed to predict oxygen bubble evolution through complex pore geometries to provide information of gas transport pathways inside saturated porous transport layers (PTL). Each PTL undergoes an image processing technique that uses X-ray CT images to generate accurate 3D microstructures. An example of a generated PTL structure is shown in Figure 1.Historically, meshing of the complex geometry was tedious and non-automated. Due to the random particle size across the geometry, a constant base size for meshing resulted in an inadequate mesh for accurate predictions. The Lattice-Boltzmann method is therefore more commonly used because a lattice is easier than a finite volume mesh to generate. Although sufficiently fine lattices adhered to the topology of the physical structure, simulations required a timestep between 1e-8 and 1e-10 seconds, resulting in long computational time.Meshing techniques have improved and can now be applied to complex geometries. Using the finite volume method accompanied with an adaptive mesh and adaptive time scale, provides an accurate representation of the PTL structure and larger timesteps. A volume of fluid (VoF) method was used to model two phase flow, using liquid water and gaseous oxygen, through different PTL structures. Evolution, growth, size, velocity, and surface interaction of oxygen bubbles through microstructures were studied as also shown in Figure 2. Findings from the work will provide better understanding of oxygen evolution through saturated PTLs Figure 1

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