
When this article is submitted for reprint, at least 252,400,057 people or 76% of the population in the U.S. have received at least one dose of mRNA vaccines. I started predicting the dangers of mRNA vaccines before March 2021 and update my article periodically. My prior model study enabled me to identify many flaws in the foundation of medicine, and I also considered consistent failure in predicting drug side effects in the past and systematic failure of FDA in keeping out dangerous drugs such as Diethylstilbestrol (DES) and swine flu vaccine from the market. By studying mRNA expression dynamics and kinetics, I predicted that mRNA vaccines may adversely affect brain, all vital organs, cancer growth, human genome integrity, viral evolution, pre-existing chronic diseases, fetus development, etc. I found the number of deaths caused by mRNA vaccines was grossly underestimated, and that 95% effectiveness rate and 90% death rate reduction are meaningless and misleading. Now, case reports on liver damages start appearing. I urge societies to question disease risk theory. If a drug can harm one or more persons in a specific way by nonaccident, this same harm must happen to all others who have exposed to the drug. The concealment of drug injuries can be attributed to human massive organ reserves, the interference effects of thousands of life factors, expected lags in damages realization, the use of symptom-based method, etc. After those flaws are corrected, anyone should see the brutal reality that the same harm must happen to all exposed persons. In this reprinted article, I urge governments and societies to sponsor studies to understand how mRNA vaccines damage liver and brain, what could be done to mitigate future adverse impacts and how to prevent humanity disasters like this from happening again.

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