
Highlights The benefits of split applications (or more applications at lower application rates) of N fertilizer on pasture have often been espoused without the support of statistical evidence. Provides some clarity on the benefits of split applications of N fertilizer. Explains why low application rates work in situations where accurate spreading is not required. Abstract. Pastoral and crop farming systems have traditionally used the application of nitrogen (N) to achieve an optimal economic production response. This nitrogen response is estimated from an exponential function that approaches an asymptote, which is typical of most fertilizer response curves. The optimal economic N response is often achieved when application rates are greater than plant utilization rates, often resulting in leaching, nitrogen run-off, and volatilization of nitrogenous compounds. These losses can have an impact on freshwater quality and contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In New Zealand, urine from N-fertilized pasture grazed by dairy cattle has been shown to be the most problematic source of N losses. As part of New Zealand’s National Environmental Standards (NES), a synthetic N cap of 190 kgN ha-1yr-1 on grazed pasture and crops has been implemented to reduce nutrient enrichment of fresh water. This study reviewed the use of multiple split applications of N to improve N fertilizer use efficiency and pasture response and used Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate improved response to split N applications rather than a single optimal application based on economic response. In addition, spreading accuracy also became less important as all the low-application variation occurred along the steepest part of the response curve where this variation results in added yield. Keywords: Dairy cattle, Fertilizer cap, Monte Carlo simulations, Nitrogen use efficiency, Nutrient management.

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