
Mingle strategy is one of the strategies of speaking that aims to improve speaking skill of students by following many procedures and use one of its types. This study aims at finding out:1- The effect of Mingle Strategy on the achievement of the students in English speaking.2- Whether there is any significant difference between students‟ achievement at the recognition level and that at production level.3- Whether is any difference among the scale components of oral speaking skill.These aims have been achieved through verifying the following hypotheses:1. There is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group‟s achievement and that of control group in pre- posttest.2. There is no a statistically significant difference between the mean score of students‟ achievement at the recognition level and that at the production level.3. There are no statistically significant differences among the scale components of oral speaking skill in the experimental group achievement in the posttest.To verify the hypotheses of the study, a sample of sixty students have been randomly selected from the fourth preparatory at Ali- Al- Hadi secondary school and divided into two groups (experimental- control). Both of these groups are equalized in their scores in English language of the previous year, their age and the level of education of their parents. The experimental group has taught by Mingle strategy and the control group has taught without mingle strategy, both of two groups have been taught the same material. The achievement test has constructed into two parts, oral and written. After that posttest has validated, its reliability has gotten, its items analyzed and then administered of the two groups of the study. The data has collected and statically analyzed, the obtained results are as follows:1- The three aspects of speaking, i.e fluency, accuracy, comprehensions, are also improved after using Mingle game strategy.2- There is an improvement in students‟ speaking in the experimental group when they use „ find what I‟ve written‟ one type of Mingle strategy .3- Mingle strategy shows an influence in comprehension and the pronunciation components.

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