
The metaverse is a parallel digital world in which virtuality and reality merge together. It has economic and social systems like those that exist in the real world, and the ability to provide a variety of services through applications embedded in the digital world. This article examines how the use of the metaverse for large cities can stimulate the development of technologies that contribute to modeling threats of social and political tension. Large cities are actively implementing the concept of a "Smart City" on their territory, striving to improve the lives of their citizens: by improving infrastructure, modernizing public services, increasing access to healthcare and education, accelerating economic growth, and promoting sustainability. The metaverse has the potential to significantly revolutionize, change and transform cities. In this article, the Metaverse is considered from a technological point of view, including its essence, the corresponding technical structure, and potential technical problems. In particular, the essence of the Metaverse is analyzed from the point of view of its constituent technologies and the possibilities of its application for modeling social and political tension. It is discussed how the use of the metaverse can help with modeling the threats of social and political tension and reducing its level. The application of technologies included in the metaverse in various areas of human activity is considered. Possible risks and threats arising in connection with their use are identified. Future research directions are proposed that can be used for further development of the metaverse and its integration with real cities in the framework of solving acute social and political problems.

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