
Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) is an approach for automatically generating test inputs from source code using constraint information. It is used in fuzzing: the execution of tests while monitoring for generic properties such as buffer overflows and other security violations. Limitations of DSE for fuzzing are two-fold: (1) only generic properties are checked: many deviations from specified behaviour are not found, and (2) many programs are not entirely amenable to DSE because they give rise to hard constraints, so that some parts of a program remain uncovered. In this paper, we discuss how to mitigate these problems using metamorphic testing (MT). Metamorphic testing uses domain-specific properties about program behaviour, relating pairs of inputs to pairs of outputs. From a given test suite, follow-up tests inputs are generated, and their outputs are compared to outputs from the original tests, using metamorphic relations. Our hypothesis is that using metamorphic testing increases the ability of a DSE test suite to find faults, and that the follow-up tests execute some previously-uncovered segments. We have experimented with seven small but non-trivial libraries, comparing DSE test suites with DSE+MT test suites, demonstrating that DSE+MT test suites improve coverage marginally, but find more faults.

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