
The population of Batang Regency in 2021 reached 810,393 people, which has increased from the previous year. The increase in population results in an increase in the amount of waste generated in each region. However, Batang Regency only has Randukuning landfill as the only waste final processing site in this regency. The condition of the Randukuning landfill based on existing conditions during field surveys still uses the open dumping method with no massive reduction before the waste goes to the landfill. This condition is a separate consideration for planning waste management for good waste management in Batang Regency. In this waste management planning, the development of waste technology can also be used as a solution to how to manage waste effectively and efficiently. One way to determine the technology to be used is to use the Material Flow Analysis (MFA) method. This MFA method is a method that uses STAN software to determine the critical flow of the Batang Regency regional waste management system by paying attention to the results of the incoming input in the form of waste and the processes that occur so that later it will cause output how much and what or it can be said to know the scene in the field.

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