
Start-ups have revolutionised many economic ecosystems, becoming innovation pioneers around the world. Most are based on data-driven business models, particularly relying on machine learning technologies. However, not all start-ups that use machine learning technologies manage to create and capture value. The existing literature on the use value enabled by information technologies does not take into account the unique capabilities of machine learning. The theory of data network effects offers a promising explanation of how to create value using machine learning. However, it does not explicitly describe how to capture value using machine learning. In contrast, business model theory explains how companies use technologies to create and capture value, but not specifically through the use of machine learning technology. Therefore, this study aims to improve the theoretical understanding of the key drivers of value creation and capture in start-ups with business models driven by this kind of technology. Statistical techniques are used in a sample of 122 start-ups to explore the theoretical relationships between these two theories. The analysis reveals the link between specific value creation and capture factors of the two theories, such as efficiency, novelty, and performance expectancy. The study also provides evidence of the need to adopt a co-evolutionary perspective of value creation and capture through the use of machine learning.

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