
New methods are needed to attract more interest to natural sciences among the public and young people. We established an underwater laboratory by placing cameras on an artificial reef (a sunken ferry) to create a new and inspiring way of teaching marine biology and showing science to the public. Here we describe the process and solutions to the technical challenges in designing the laboratory. Live-streaming from the underwater environment has great potential for teaching marine biology in new and exciting ways, and it could also be used more widely for stimulating interest among the general public in aquariums and museums.


  • As part of the ongoing discussions about marine issues—such as plastic in the oceans, global warming, marine species extinction, and so forth—new and inspiring ways to present the oceans could be a way to generate more interest and awareness among the public

  • We established an underwater laboratory by placing cameras on an artificial reef to create a new and inspiring way of teaching marine biology and showing science to the public

  • Studies have shown a decreasing interest in natural sciences among young people [1,2] and children start their life in the educational system with a high degree of motivation and interest in nature and science, they leave school with a low motivation and low interest in these subjects [3]

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As part of the ongoing discussions about marine issues—such as plastic in the oceans, global warming, marine species extinction, and so forth—new and inspiring ways to present the oceans could be a way to generate more interest and awareness among the public. It is conceivable that part of the disinterest in natural sciences among school students could be due to use of traditional means of teaching [4] with a low degree of involvement in non-activating teaching methods. New and innovative teaching methods are needed to spur student interest and fascination with natural science. One obvious topic to focus on to increase student interest in natural sciences is the underwater environment, as life beneath the surface has intrigued the public since the films by Jacques Cousteau in the 1950s and 60s, and more recently through a series of high quality nature film productions (e.g., BBC’s The Blue Planet). TThhrroouugghhoouutttthheettoottaallnnuummbbeerrooff ddaayyss tthhee ssyysstteemm wwaass iinnssttaalllleedd aatt tthhee ffeerrrryy,, iiittt fffuuunnnccctttiiioonneedd 9900%% ooff ttthhhee tttiiimmmee.

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