
With the growing desire to incorporate data science and informatics into STEM curricula, there is an opportunity to integrate research-based software and tools (e.g., Python) within existing pedagogical methods to craft new, accessible learning experiences. We show how the open-source Jupyter Book software can achieve this goal by creating a digital, interactive textbook compiled from Jupyter notebooks, which are already commonplace in research. Using Jupyter Book, we design an open-source, introductory materials informatics research curriculum where the Python programming exercises are supplemented with prose, graphics, slides, and discussion questions, all of which are embedded into a uniform web interface for streamlined access. Interactive programming capabilities, enabled through the JupyterHub cloud infrastructure, provide opportunities in these digital spaces for students to interrogate the code, test their own hypotheses, and deepen their comprehension. These authentic learning experiences demonstrate the broad utility of the Jupyter ecosystem in sustaining the growth of materials informatics education.

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