
The biological diversity of our planet largely depends on human impact on the environment. Globally, there is a large variety of perennial plant species worldwide. One of the methods of genetic preservation of wild species is introducing them into the culture. In the conditions of Altai Krai, scientists have found approximately 28 species of wild-growing onion crops. Wild-growing onion species have important agronomic characteristics. The current research aims to examine, evaluate, and select clones, and create a variety of perennial onion crops. The research objects are samples of three types of perennial onions: Welsh onion, Altai onion, and Chinese chive. The trial establishment, observations, and selections were conducted using instructive methodological regulations. According to the Welsh onion culture, 27 samples were studied. Early growing forms and samples with a long regrowth–bolting period were selected, which determines the duration of economic use in the culture. The least volatile variables were identified. There were 18 samples of Altai onion in the research. A sample of this type with the maximum duration of the regrowth–bolting period was identified. Further research on the selection of clones allowed the identification of promising forms. The selection of clonal material on Chinese chives was carried out using 21 samples. Phenological and morphological evaluation of the samples was performed in this culture, and interesting breeding forms were identified. As a research result, one sample of each type was transferred to the state crop variety testing. According to the results, three new varieties of perennial types of onion crops were zoned: Welsh onion Premiera, Altai onion Viktor, and Chinese chive Zelyeny dol.

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