
Successfully changing prescribing behavior to reduce inappropriate antibiotic and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) prescriptions often requires combining components into a multicomponent intervention. However, multicomponent interventions often fail because of development and implementation complexity. To increase the likelihood of successfully changing prescribing behavior, we applied a systematic process to design and implement a multicomponent intervention. We used Intervention Mapping to create a roadmap for a multicomponent intervention in unscheduled outpatient care settings in the Veterans Health Administration. Intervention Mapping is a systematic process consisting of six steps that we grouped into three phases: (i) understand behavioral determinants and barriers to implementation, (ii) develop the intervention, and (iii) define evaluation plan and implementation strategies. A targeted literature review, combined with 25 prescriber and 25 stakeholder interviews, helped identify key behavioral determinants to inappropriate prescribing (e.g. perceived social pressure from patients to prescribe). We targeted three desired prescriber behaviors: (i) review guideline-concordant prescribing and patient outcomes, (ii) manage diagnostic and treatment uncertainty, and (iii) educate patients and caregivers. The intervention consisted of components for academic detailing, prescribing feedback, and alternative prescription order sets. Implementation strategies consisted of preparing clinical champions, conducting readiness assessments, and incentivizing use of the intervention. We chose a mixed-method study design with a commonly used evaluation framework to assess effectiveness and implementation outcomes in a subsequent trial. This study furthers knowledge about causes of inappropriate antibiotic and NSAID prescribing and demonstrates how theoretical, empirical, and practical information can be systematically applied to develop a multicomponent intervention to help address these causes.

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