
This study aimed to evaluate changes in body temperature in athletic horses during two different road transport distances. Six Italian Saddle horses were subjected to a 100 and 300 km transport during different times of day (am and pm). Rectal and cutaneous temperatures were recorded before (T0), immediately (following 5 min- T1) and 1 hour (T2) after transport by means of a rectal digital thermometer and a thermal infrared camera (FLIR T440) respectively, for the evaluation of left and right side of four body regions: jugular, shoulder, croup and inner thigh. There were no differences between left and right sides, inner thigh or rectal temperatures when comparing the transport distance, time points or time of day. At T0, jugular (P < 0.0001), shoulder (P < 0.01) and croup (P < 0.01) average temperatures were higher in the pm compared to those in the am in both journeys. At T1, jugular (P < 0.01) and croup (P < 0.01) temperatures were lower in the pm compared to am following the 300 km journey. Jugular temperature (P < 0.0001) was higher following the 300 km compared to the 100 km journey at each time point (T1 and T2) at both times of day (am and pm). Shoulder (P < 0.0001) and croup temperatures (P < 0.0001) were higher at T2 after the 300 km journey than at T2 after the 100 km journey). The current results suggested a difference between the two distances and the time of day appeared to have as great effect on ocular temperature as road transport distance

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