
The health of fish populations and assemblagesin two degraded streams in south-westernGermany were investigated in order to validatethe use of biomarkers for the assessment ofsmall streams as part of the Valimar project.In the more severely polluted stream,recruitment was impaired and populationabundances were low. Extinction ofsite-specific species and appearance of nonsite-specific species has resulted in a shiftin the species composition from thatcharacteristic of unpolluted reference streams.In the less severely degraded stream, abundantrecruitment and relatively high densities ofadults indicated healthy, self sustaining fishpopulations. Missing species, however,indicated some effects of human influenceswithin the reference stream. The reproductivestatus of adult stone loach, Barbatulabarbatula, was not affected in any stream asreflected by normal production of eggs andreproductive behavior. Indices of energystorage differed between the investigated sitesbut could not be related to pollution. Theevaluation of biological integrity based onfish assemblages revealed that both sites inthe more severely impacted stream were in poorcondition. The two reference sites wereclassified in moderate and good condition,respectively. By excluding effects of migrationbarriers on the fish assemblage there was astronger correlation between chemical waterquality and biomarker responses. The resultsindicate the importance of assessing theeffects of pollution within the content oflongitudinal gradients in streams and theusefulness of measuring health effects overseveral levels of biological organization.

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