
The findings of a study of a combined wind-photovoltaic installation for use in the Najaf governorate’s energy sector are presented in this article. The suggested hybrid system is for serving community customers in Iraq, as well as for the country's energy sector. Iraqi consumers are constantly short of electricity, and the proposed approach of combining solar and solar installations to generate energy will assist to alleviate this problem. In the presented studies, the authors show a total increase in the efficiency of the mini-energy complex due to the combined generation of electric energy by converting the wind flow and solar radiation. This work is devoted to the analysis and modeling of a small autonomous hybrid wind-photo-energy system. The paper presents a simulation of the operation of a wind power installation. During the study, parameters such as the angle of inclination, rotor diameter, wind speed, etc. are taken into account. The photovoltaic installation is simulated under realistic conditions, such as silicon cell temperature, sun insolation, and so on. The MATLAB computer program was used to solve mathematical models of small horizontal axes of wind turbines and solar systems. An experiment was conducted with low-power installations. The findings reveal that when hybrid wind-solar systems are used to power Iraq's energy complex, the total output of the hybrid installation increases dramatically. Furthermore, the output of electric energy from wind and solar installations varies throughout the year. During summer months, mainly photovoltaic batteries operate, while in winter months, wind turbines make the main contribution to the generation. As a result, the joint work of wind and solar installations to generate electrical energy helps to establish a more uniform generation throughout the year.

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