
This study investigated how the air-bladder offloading mode of the Orbiter by Kalogon wheelchair cushion (Orbiter) affected blood flow in the gluteal region of non-disabled subjects. The hypothesis was that the cushion's offloading mode would improve blood flow, resulting in reduced reactive hyperemia when compared to the static setting, or Loaded Control (LC). Furthermore, the study proposed a technique using a high-resolution image laser speckle contrast system to measure blood flow in the gluteal area. Two procedures were carried out, one with the participant sitting on a cushion in LC, and the second, the cushion was set to offloading mode. Blood flow was measured through data imaging after each procedure. Three trials were performed, starting and ending in different cushion bladders. Customized algorithms were used to select regions of interest on the images for calculations. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was conducted to compare the offloads and loaded control values of each region of interest. Results were considered significant at α=0.05. Ten healthy, non-disabled adults participated in the study, seven females and three males. There were no significant differences among the participants. However, results showed that seven subjects tended to decrease reactive hyperemia in the offload sequence of trial when the last two bladders offloaded were the sacrum followed by the right ischial tuberosity. The high-resolution imager showed that the Orbiter Offloads helped reduce reactive hyperemia in seven subjects, potentially improving blood flow. More research is necessary to comprehend the mechanisms of these effects fully.

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