
AbstractThe diversity of fish species found in warmwater stream systems provides a perplexing challenge when selecting species for assessment of instream flow needs from physical habitat analyses. In this paper we examined the feasibility of developing habitat suitability criteria (HSC) for the entire fish community of a warmwater stream using habitat guilds. Each species was placed a priori into a guild structure and habitat data were collected for depth, velocity, Froude number, distance to cover, embeddedness and dominant and subdominant substrate. Correct guild classification was tested with linear discriminant analysis for each species. Correct classification based on habitat‐use data was highest for riffle and pool‐cover guilds, whereas the fast‐generalist and pool‐run classes, the broader niche guilds, were more frequently misclassified. Variables most important for discriminating guilds were Froude number, velocity and depth in that order. Nonparametric tolerance limits were used to develop guild suitability criteria for continuous variables and the Strauss linear index was used for categorical variables. We recommend the use of a wide array of variables to establish more accurate habitat analysis. Additionally, guild HSC can be developed with similar effort to that needed to develop HSC for a small number of individual species. Results indicate that a habitat guild structure can be successfully transferred to another river basin and that habitats for a diverse fish assemblage can be adequately described by a small number of habitat guilds. This approach represents an alternative for incorporating entire fish assemblages into habitat analyses of warmwater stream systems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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