
Intensive agriculture poses new challenges for science and practice that go far beyond increasing the gross yield. They include the prevention of lodging of cereals when high agricultural background, the synchronization of fruit ripening, which is necessary for their machine harvesting, an increase in the proportion of early harvesting with its unchanged value. The competent use of plant growth regulators will allow solving such problems. In most cases, they are not used to increase the yield of dry matter per unit area. This task is successfully solved by such traditional means as fertilizers. Physiologically active compounds are widely used in vegetable and berry crops, in crops of grain and legumes. These crops, due to their biological characteristics, require management of growth and development during the period of crop formation, especially in conditions of the Non-Black Earth Zone. All common pea varieties are characterized by uneven ripening, cracking of beans, being close to the soil and significant lodging of stems. All these things force researchers to search for physiologically active compounds that can shorten the stem, activate photosynthetic activity, accelerate maturation, facilitate harvesting and increase productivity. Undoubtedly, as the understanding of the mechanisms of hormonal regulation of plant growth and development is expanded and deepened, more and more possibilities will appear for managing these processes to increase productivity or reduce labor costs.

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