
Today I am honored and privileged to share with the International Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Journal an important discovery from the field of psychology. We now have a psychology approach that is able to treat the root cause of those afflicted with physical ailments needing rehabilitation. Stress, in the form of physical injuries vary in the degree of frequency, intensity, and duration. From minor slips and falls to quadriplegia, human being suffers physical ailments of varying degrees. Often times, this can lead to weeks and months in rehabilitation centers. Physical pain can cause great stress on the mind. Financial stress, including hospital bills can cause further stress. Being away from family and friends can often mean less support and energy. This in turn can hamper recovery and rehabilitation efforts. Often time, individuals need pain medication to cope with the unnerving pain. Coupled with all this, loved ones also can feel debilitating stress worrying about the long term progress of those afflicted with serious physical injuries and ailments. Now, with Emotional Core Therapy, we have a psychological process that treats the root cause of all of the above stressors. All of the above stressors have one aspect in common. The above stressors, like any psychological stress, can cause further stress on the mind and body. Why does this dynamic occur? Psychic stress is caused by the temporary arousal of one of the four true and authentic emotions. The four true emotions are joy, grief, fear, and relief. These four emotions evolve from entering and leaving relationships. Grief and fear vary in intensity from person to person. For example, a heavyweight professional boxer is likely to absorb a punch from a 250 pound man much better than an eleven year old, sixty five pound child. Perception of stress varies from person, depending on their own world view. From the time human beings are infants till their passing, the four true emotions serve as a navigation tool for all humans. Generally speaking, we want to choose and move towards relationships that bring joy and relief. We want to disengage and leave relationships that bring rehabilitating individuals grief and fear. Herein lies the dilemma facing medical doctors and staff treating those afflicted with serious physical ailments. How do hospital and health services staff impart psychological relief and remedies to those injured and needing rehabilitation services? After all, patients enter treatment with varying degrees of psychical pain. Patients also enter treatment with varying educational levels. Indeed, as mentioned above, patients perceive physical stress differently also. Therefore, assessment and treatment go hand in hand. One cannot treat a patient successfully unless one assesses them first accurately. All these difficult decisions can be answered more easily and readily with the mastering of the Emotional Core Therapy Process. Below you will see the process used to treat the root cause of stress for those afflicted with serious long term injuries.

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