
Although storytelling is not new, digital storytelling, which expresses story using multimedia, is fairly recent. The authors believe that digital storytelling has value for communicating complex technical information in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects and thus has a place in technical communication pedagogy. It addresses some of the problems in communication within STEM programs — specifically, the disconnection between audience and writer due to the plethora of technical information, the non-expert audience with different uses for the information, and the characteristic internationality of technical communication within STEM research and industry, which results in multiple audiences that may not share languages and cultures. Further, to the non-expert audience (board members, funders) highly technical information can come across as boring and unimpactful in a nondescript slide show presentation. This pedagogy has the potential to enhance communication of content, build skills in creative thinking, and create understanding among diverse audiences. The article describes digital storytelling and incorporation of infographics as part of storytelling, discusses its usefulness in technical communication pedagogy for STEM subjects, and offers ways for implementing it in STEM communication pedagogy. Digital storytelling is currently used in business and industry, and needs to be considered in teaching the rhetoric and technology of STEM communication.

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