
Montage is one of the basic elements in cinematographic work, as it is a second production process for the work in terms of composition, habit of formulation, interconnection between shots and scenes, and also added the element of sound, special effects and color correction ... etc., due to the characteristic of this digital technique in manipulating all the elements of the image in a creative way in all Elements of work, such as decoration, accessories, adding fictional scenes ... etc., and converting them to the computer, and then acting on them through the montage completely, but this is in the field of image and sound, but there are fictional films that need to make characters who are compatible with nature, and possess capabilities Superhero and has the ability to transform into virtual bodies within the artistic work, and insert them into the cinematic space, in order to perform the functions with the rest of the elements of the cinematic medium as well as the elements of the dramatic construction, so all of the above of this the researcher raises the following question: (How is digital montage employed? In building a fictional character)? The research came as follows: Methodological framework: It includes the research problem, its importance and objectives, as well as the limits of research and the definition of terminology. The theoretical framework: It was divided into two topics as follows: The first topic: the concept of digital montage, the second topic: the fictional character: After that, the researcher reached the indicators of the theoretical framework. Research procedures: It included the research method, the research community, the research sample, the research tool, the analysis unit, and the sample analysis, which was the film (X MEN) according to the indicators that the researcher came out with from the theoretical framework. After analyzing the sample, the researcher came to a number of findings and conclusions, including: 1. The digital montage, through its advanced software, possesses the ability to create a fictional virtual character and activate its potential in the cinematic movie. 2. Digital montage can be employed after dispensing with many traditional techniques at the level of photography or montage, as well as building space and time.

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