
There is considerable uncertainty about the effectiveness of fish habitat restoration programs, and reliable monitoring programs are needed to evaluate them. Statistical power analysis based on traditional hypothesis tests are usually used for monitoring program design, but here we argue that effect size estimates and their associated confidence intervals are more informative because results can be compared with both the null hypothesis of no effect and effect sizes of interest, such as restoration goals. We used a stochastic simulation model to compare alternative monitoring strategies for a habitat alteration that would change the productivity and capacity of a coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) producing stream. Estimates of the effect size using a freshwater stock–recruit model were more precise than those from monitoring the abundance of either spawners or smolts. Less than ideal monitoring programs can produce ambiguous results, which are cases in which the confidence interval includes both the null hypothesis and the effect size of interest. Our model is a useful planning tool because it allows the evaluation of the utility of different types of monitoring data, which should stimulate discussion on how the results will ultimately inform decision-making.

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