
Transfer of Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training is an important issue when determining the effectiveness of CRM, but factors influencing transfer after training such as supervisor support cannot be easily controlled in the daily work of airline crews. In this study, a comic-based transfer support tool for flight attendants was designed and tested. Nineteen flight attendants received four comics depicting realistic CRM-related incidents following their initial CRM training in regular intervals. The impact of comics on attitudes, knowledge, behavior, self-efficacy (SE), and retrospective perceived usefulness of training was measured and compared against a control group (n = 22). The comic group showed higher values in SE and retrospective usefulness, but lower values in mean attitude toward CRM. Results for knowledge and behavior were not significant. Correlation analyses showed that number of comics read was associated with higher SE, higher values in retrospective usefulness and assertive behavior, better knowledge about the aim of CRM and lower values in attitude toward situation awareness. Comics thus had a positive impact on SE, but higher SE might have caused a shift towards riskier attitudes (Krueger Jr. & Dickson, 1994). Further research is needed to determine the effect of comics on transfer of knowledge and behavior.

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