
Mainland Chinese born in the 1940s–1950s have experienced unique socio-cultural circumstances that have shaped their late-life immigration experiences. Little is known about what this population perceives would reduce their loneliness. This study aimed to investigate the role of co-design in the development of community-based resources/services for ameliorating the loneliness of Chinese late-life immigrants. Eight co-researchers completed three co-design workshops, and two key service providers were consulted. Co-researchers co-designed guidebooks on accessing primary healthcare facilities, social services, aged care facilities, and public transport, which were considered helpful for ameliorating loneliness. Co-housing was co-designed as a concept and regarded as a feasible way of living to strengthen social interactions and reduce loneliness. Providing more public social housing, adding ‘next-bus stop’ announcements, and conducting loneliness screening were recommended at the national level. Our findings affirmed the need to truly listen to the voices of both service end-users and service providers.

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